
The role of the facilitator

Reflections on the role of the facilitator

The role of facilitator in an agile team is a role that we at BrainStore have still less experience with than the role of team member and champ. Although the team so far has always selected a facilitator for each cycle, the role has been more of a “manager” than a real facilitator in my opinion. 

Per definition in our agile principles, the facilitator
Helps the team move towards higher performance and greater personal satisfaction.
  • By helping the team to discover barriers and help the team to remove them
  • By promoting constant exchange of relevant information between team members
  • By helping the team to have higher quality conversations
  • By helping the team to optimally deal with time, resources and scope based on the allocated resources per backlog item
  • By helping the team to decide on when and how to exchange information including stand up meetings and retrospectives
As long as cycles were short and team members knew each other well, the role of facilitator was a little bit easier and a little bit less crucial than now that we start working with remote teams and much longer cycles. Also, the role was never really taken as seriously as it should have been taken.

In short cycles and projects of low complexity, the facilitator also was or is able to take on team tasks in addition to his or her facilitation role. With larger projects, this becomes a conflict, because
  • the facilitator cannot focus on the crucial role of facilitating when taking on tasks of his or her own.
  • there are multiple moments of conflict when the facilitator is part of the team, because if the facilitator becomes part of the team he or she is part of the “we” and thus takes on the responsibility of the team. This means that he or she is no longer focusing optimally on the above mentioned elements that are crucial for making the team more productive.

In discussions with our agile coach I realized that the facilitator should focus mainly on the following activities during the facilitation of a team:
  • 40% reflection (thinking about the role, learning more about it, improving self awareness, studying different techniques etc.)
  • 30% observation (bringing the observations to the team in the form that seems best suitable at the moment)
  • 20% inquiry (asking questions, being curious, mentioning things that are interesting etc.)
  • 10% action (intervention, steering, removing impediments etc.)

I also realized that (mainly because of the fact that I was at the same time team member AND facilitator, the balance was much more on the action (more than 60% of the time).

What are examples of things that happen when the facilitator takes on too much action?
  • the facilitator “thinks for the team” and thus does not give the team the opportunity to self organize and to grow
  • the facilitator becomes part of the “we” and gives up his unique opportunity to observe, reflect and inquire.
  • the facilitator becomes a negotiator for the team, e.g., speaking to the champ, communicating with the client etc. (tasks that need to remain in the team)

If the facilitator can focus on his/her facilitation role, numerous benefits arise for all:
  • The team can focus on the task
  • The team can start using the most of all resources
  • There is not “someone” who thinks for the team, but the whole team
  • There is always someone reflecting, observing and asking questions without providing the answers

Continuous improvement
Facilitation is not easy. The faciltator will always, also after many cycles, feel the urge and need to take action and intervene rather than observe and inquire. That is ok. The important thing is that gradually the facilitator learns to deal with this and to reflect, observe and inquire more

Examples of reflection
  • Reading about facilitation techniques
  • using agile resources
  • reflecting about own behaviour
  • writing learning materials for others, 
  • coaching others etc.

Examples of observing
Listening to the team without intervention, from time to time offering an observation. Open remarks that start with words like
  • “From what I hear,...”
  • “It seems to me,...”
  • “I get the impression,...”
  • “I observe...”

It is specially important to voice observations of gaps, e.g. gaps between the goal and the status the team is in, information gaps etc.

Examples of inquiring
Questions that are open ended and help the team start a conversation, such as
  • Actively problem solving: “What might help?” “What do you think will happen next?”
  • Reflecting on experiences: “What would you do differently if you did this again?”
  • Generating ideas and goals: “How could you figure out the answer to this problem?”  etc.

Examples of interventions
  • Taking on a task from the team
  • Researching something for the team
  • Removing an impediment for the team
  • Steering the team into a certain direction

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